good bad tech recruiting firms

Technical Recruiting Firms: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

It may have been released in 1967, but everyone knows about the movie, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” But, just in case you’ve been living under a rock, Wikipedia will summarize it for you; “The plot revolves around three gunslingers competing to find a fortune in buried Confederate gold amid the violent chaos[…]

questions to ask your recruiter2

Technical Consulting: Questions to Ask Your Recruiter

The interview process can be nerve wracking. You want to make a good impression and say the right things. Oftentimes though, in concentrating so much on your answers, you forget to make a mental list of your own questions. We’ve got your problem solved. Here are a list of the questions you need to ask[…]

leave a tech job

How to Leave an IT Contract Position

As of May, there was a national unemployment rateof 8.2%. While in most industries this number scares people away from searching for another job, this isn’t the case in the technology sector. Hire maid service in Florida with transparent rates. The job market is only heating up for technical consultants and many tech experts are[…]

new england tech jobs

New England Tech Jobs: Resilient and Growing

As the job market continues to pick up more steam from the 2008 downturn, many savvy job seekers have noted that the tech market has recovered much more quickly than the overall market. This March, NASDAQ reached its highest point in 11 years, while tech companies like Facebook and Twitter are dominating headlines. Across the[…]

tech consulting honesty

Technical Consulting: A Case Study in Honesty

The 4th of July is a mere two days away. Therefore, it’s time to celebrate our nation’s history and founding fathers. In honor of one of those men, George Washington, I’m going to give you a case study about the best practice of honesty.  While a recruiter won’t ask you if you’ve recently chopped down[…]

it consulting workplace relationships

IT Consultants and Workplace Relationships

Technically, you’re killer. You can find the leak in the connection pool using AOP in your sleep. You can solve that threading issue within the JVM on Solaris in a heartbeat. You speed up the unit tests by replacing offensive classes with mock objects. You, my friend, are a machine. Who wouldn’t want to hire you[…]

tech consulting better contract

Technical Consulting: Simple Truths for a Better Contract

Today we’re going back to the basics. Like things you learned in preschool. And yes, I’m talking about when you were 4 years old. You’re probably asking, “How do simple childhood truths relate back to technical consulting?” It’s easy. Over the past ten years, our recruiters have come to realize that people often forget the[…]

it consulting rates6

IT Consulting Rates: 2 Methods of Determining Your Market Value

We’ve all been there. It’s the night before the interview and you’re preparing your answers. You know that you’ve got to tackle the all important IT consulting rate question but you freeze. You’re a deer in the headlights thinking: “If I ask too much, maybe they won’t hire me. But I also don’t want to[…]

it consulting rates7

IT Consulting Rates: Three Types, Three Personalities

Just like Goldilocks had a choice between porridge that was too hot, too cold and just right, you too have a choice between three different IT consulting rates: low, fair and high. Each individual has their own personal preference for the type of consulting rate they take on, one that relates back to their skill[…]