things to know before accepting job

11 Things to Know Before Accepting That Job Offer

When you applied for the tech gig you’re now being offered, you couldn’t have been more excited. The job posting described your dream role, and the hiring manager who interviewed you was absolutely wonderful. Now that you’ve been offered the job, you’re racing to get your name on that contract. Before you do, however, take[…]

tech interview mistakes

5 Common Complaints About How You Answer Interview Questions

We’ve been hearing whispers lately. Whispers that too few tech professionals know how to answer interview questions. It’s not that they don’t have good answers, or don’t have the technical expertise to know what they’re talking about. They do. It’s that they’re making other mistakes when answering them. We address five of the biggest problem[…]

qa interview questions

QA Interview Questions

So you’ve got a QA Interview coming up, huh? Congratulations! Since you’re reading this post, I’m going to bet that you’re doing all the pre-interview prep: researching the company, getting your outfit dry-cleaned, and coming up with interview question answers. Great. We’ve got 10 popular QA interview questions and answers below to help you prepare.[…]

Why you're not getting the job

Why You’re Not Getting the Tech Gig

With the tech sector growing, it seems that you can get a tech job just about anywhere. Keyword though: seems. Even with this market, it can be difficult to land a role. Make sure that you’re not making it any more difficult by doing these 11 things.   11 Reasons Why You’re Not Landing the[…]

Head in Hands

6 Ways to Blow the Tech Interview Before It Begins

You know the rules. Dress nicely. Be on time. Answer questions, but don’t speak too much. Never lie. Like I said, you know the rules of interviewing, the things that’ll automatically set you apart from the other candidates. While that’s great and all, none of this will save you if you make an initial bad[…]

java interview questions

Java Interview Questions

You have a Java interview coming up and you’re smart. You know the best way to prepare for an interview is to practice answers to possible interview questions. Here, things get a little more daunting though – there are hundreds of questions you could be faced with in an interview. How do you know which[…]

tech interview tips

Technical Consulting: 10 Tips for Interviewing with the Client Company

You’ve made it past the application screening, and the client company wants to speak with you. Congratulations! There’s a lot you have to do to prepare for this interview. You have to research the company, and prepare your interview answers. You’ve got to make sure your interview clothes are wrinkle-free, and that you know where[…]

answer hard interview questions tech consulting

Surviving IT Recruiting: How to Answer Crucial Interview Questions

You’ve done your research. You understand the requirements of the position, the culture of the company, and what knowledge and personal skills are needed to be successful in this role. You’re a company expert. Perfect! In an interview setting, this knowledge allows you to illustrate that you not only understand and recognize the company’s needs,[…]

phone interviews tech consulting

Advice About Phone Interviews From a Technical Recruiting Firm

Technical consultants, I know you want to find the perfect technical consulting contract. I also know that you want to make a good impression. So why do you keep making these same, simple interview mistakes? And, just for the record, when I say simple, I really mean it. I’m not talking about the right or[…]

tech consulting better contract

Technical Consulting: Simple Truths for a Better Contract

Today we’re going back to the basics. Like things you learned in preschool. And yes, I’m talking about when you were 4 years old. You’re probably asking, “How do simple childhood truths relate back to technical consulting?” It’s easy. Over the past ten years, our recruiters have come to realize that people often forget the[…]