become a better it consultant

5 Steps to Becoming a Competitive Tech Consultant

In any field, you want to be the best. The question, however, is how you become that. If you’re in sports, it may be that running those extra five miles a day gives you a competitive advantage. But what about technical consulting? How do you become a competitive contractor, someone who is one of the[…]

counteroffer acceptance1

Why You Shouldn’t Accept A Counteroffer

After too many long days, and too much bickering among your team, you’ve decided to search for a new job. Of course, being the tech genius you are, you found yourself another gig no problem. It seems like it’ll be a good fit both for your skills and personality, and the benefits? Well, they’re stellar.[…]

talk to recruiter when passive

Not actively looking for a job? Still talk to a technical recruiter.

If you’re reading this, a technical recruiter has probably recently reached out to you even though you’re not actively searching for a job. What’s more is that you’re probably also wondering whether or not you should respond to their message. If both of the above are true, this means that, somewhere in your mind, you’re[…]


Why You Need LinkedIn as an IT Consultant

LinkedIn. It’s today’s largest, and most successful, business focused social media networking platform. Despite it’s ability to connect millions of people and help place thousands in new roles, a large number of people are still holding out on joining. A surprising number of technical consultants are included in this list of holdouts. Though not having[…]

java interview questions

Java Interview Questions

You have a Java interview coming up and you’re smart. You know the best way to prepare for an interview is to practice answers to possible interview questions. Here, things get a little more daunting though – there are hundreds of questions you could be faced with in an interview. How do you know which[…]

tech consulting contract myths

IT Consulting Rates: 5 Myths About Contract Negotiation

For whatever reason, the steps to negotiating a technical contract are shrouded in mystery. No one seems to know what to do. Or, if they think they do know, they often make mistakes that harm their relationship with their employer. This is why we’re addressing the 5 most common myths about technical contract negotiation. We[…]

answer hard interview questions tech consulting

Surviving IT Recruiting: How to Answer Crucial Interview Questions

You’ve done your research. You understand the requirements of the position, the culture of the company, and what knowledge and personal skills are needed to be successful in this role. You’re a company expert. Perfect! In an interview setting, this knowledge allows you to illustrate that you not only understand and recognize the company’s needs,[…]

phone interviews tech consulting

Advice About Phone Interviews From a Technical Recruiting Firm

Technical consultants, I know you want to find the perfect technical consulting contract. I also know that you want to make a good impression. So why do you keep making these same, simple interview mistakes? And, just for the record, when I say simple, I really mean it. I’m not talking about the right or[…]

it consulting rates5

IT Consulting Rates: 3 Common Application Process Mistakes

“I didn’t get the job, and I don’t know why. Was I unqualified? No, that can’t be it. I met all of the requirements. Did my personality not fit the workplace? Maybe, but I’m charming. And I felt immediately at home, even joking around with some of the interviewers. Let’s put that one on the[…]